Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Hypnotic dreams of the Italian lakes - Lago d’orta

Gloria Miller writes for Language Connections about her favourite place in the Lakes Region.
Lake Orta (Lago D’Orta in Italian) is the nearest of the major Piedmont lakes to Turin. It lies to the west of Lake Maggiore, and has been an inspiration to poets and writers for centuries. The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, who visited the lake in May 1882, believed that the experience changed his life forever, inscribed the date "von Orta an" ("from Orta onwards") as a preface to his masterpiece Thus Spake Zarathustra. Regarded as the most romantic lake in Italy it is 13.5kms long and surrounded by mountains covered in lush vegetation. The setting alone is breathtaking but the jewel in the crown is the island of San Giulio in the middle of Lake Orta, dominated by its thirteenth century basilica and convent.                                                                    
The place to stay is Orta San Giulio on the shores of the lake. A charming car-free town and not at all touristy – most of the tourists to the lake are the local Italian people from Piedmont and the well heeled from Turin. We stayed at the Piccolo Hotel Olina which was comfortable and well located. Also highly recommended is Orta Lake Holiday Flats –

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